Wednesday, August 31, 2011

7 Foto di Social Media yang Buat Anda Dijauhi Pria

Social media (Facebook, Twitter dan MySpace) dan online chat (BBM, YM dan MSN) bisa menjadi sarana flirting bagi Anda sedang mencari kekasih. Bukan hanya sekedar sapaan dan menggoda melalui virtual yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk menarik perhatian lawan jenis. Foto yang dipasang sebagai profile picture juga menjadi penentu keberhasilan Anda flirting di social media.

Salah menampilkan foto di social media dan online chat, dapat membuat pria hilang ketertarikan. Lalu, apakah foto profil Anda sudah memenuhi kriteria? Sebelum mengganti foto profil, simak dulu tujuh jenis foto yang sebaiknya tidak dipasang di Facebook, Twitter, BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) atau YM (Yahoo Messenger).

1. Foto profesional

Untuk foto profil sebaiknya jangan menggunakan foto yang profesional. Masalahnya adalah, dalam busana profesional atau pose seperti foto KTP dan SIM dapat membuat Anda tampak lebih tua.

2. Jangan memasang foto hasil cropping

Ingin eksis sendiri dengan memotong foto Anda ketika sedang bersama teman? Ini bukanlah cara yang tepat. Memotong atau cropping foto orang yang ada di samping Anda, pasti akan menimbulkan bekas seperti baju atau tangan teman Anda. Hal ini akan membuat orang yang melihat justru menjadi penasaran dengan wajah yang ada di dekat Anda.

3. Foto ala ABG

Memotret diri sendiri dengan posisi kamera dari atas atau pose dengan bibir yang dimajukan dengan jari telunjuk diletakkan didepannya, sepertinya sudah tidak pantas lagi dilakukan oleh wanita dewasa. Selain terlihat kurang menarik, foto ala ABG ini tidak cocok untuk Anda, mengingat umur dan wajah yang sudah tidak tampak seperti remaja lagi.

4. Foto dengan minuman keras

Ingin terlihat gaul dengan berfoto di club sambil membawa minuman, dapat membuat pria berpikir buruk tentang Anda. Mereka bisa saja memandang Anda sebagai wanita yang suka hura-hura dan mabuk-mabukkan.

5. Foto dari kejauhan

Foto Anda dari kejauan yang menunjukkan pemandangan pantai di Lombok dengan suasana sunset akan sangat indah dan memiliki nilai seni tinggi. Tapi, foto ini sama sekali tidak menunjukkan diri dan kecantikan Anda. Pria akan berpikir, ada sesuatu yang sedang disembunyikan.

6. Foto yang digabungkan

Meskipun di sebuah foto Anda tampak sangat cantik, hindari menggabungkan foto yang sama menjadi satu frame. Pria akan pusing melihat foto tersebut. Jika ingin menggabungkan, cari foto yang berbeda angle. Namun sebaiknya jangan terlalu banyak, cukup empat.

7. Foto seksi

Foto seksi menggunakan bikini atau lingerie dengan pose yang menggoda sebaiknya tidak dijadikan sebagai foto profil. Pada awalnya mungkin banyak pria yang menggoda Anda. Namun, biasanya pria enggan menjalin hubungan yang serius jika sang wanita sering memasang foto seksi dan 'nakal'.


Pesan Dari Zaman Batu yang Masih Menjadi Misteri

Lukisan atau simbol-simbol yang terdapat di dinding-dinding gua sepertinya adalah asal-usul bahasa tertulis. Pertama kali ditemukan di Perancis dan kemudian ditemukan di berbagai belahan dunia. Kira-kira pesan apa yang bisa kita tangkap dari lukisan atau simbol-simbol ini.

Seorang pengunjung melihat pada dinding-dinding Aula Besar Bulls, gua Lascaux II, Dordogne, Perancis, yang memiliki lukisan-lukisan prasejarah yang indah, sampai sekarang. Hanya baru-baru ini saja para peneliti sudah mulai melihat, setengah lingkaran aneh squiggles, garis dan zigzag yang mengelilingi mereka. Ini mungkin sebuah kunci untuk memahami bentuk-bentuk awal komunikasi manusia.

Lukisan batu ini di Chobe Taman Nasional, Botswana, menggambarkan sebuah eland, gajah dan kijang atau gemsbok. Namun, simbol-simbol yang mengelilingi mereka yang mungkin memegang kunci untuk memahami komunikasi manusia awal.

Garis zigzag tidak muncul sampai 20.000 tahun yang lalu dan 13.000 tahun yang lalu telah menghilang. Bentuk mengular berbentuk sama ada dari 30.000 tahun yang lalu, tetapi juga menghilang dari sekitar 13.000 tahun yang lalu. Simbol serupa telah ditemukan di Australia, Afrika Tengah, Eropa, dan Selatan dan Amerika Utara.

Tangan ini dicat di dinding gua di Rio Pinturas, Argentina. Bentuk tangan yang diciptakan dengan menekan seluruh atau sebagian dari tangan terhadap permukaan, menggunakan cat atau tanah liat.

Meskipun terlihat jelas, simbol ini sangat mengherankan dan langka, ditemukan hanya kurang dari 7 persen dari situs Perancis. Pertama kali ditemukan di Chauvet, dan tampaknya telah menyebar ke berbagai daerah hingga 13.000 tahun yang lalu sampai akhirnya tidak digunakan lagi. Simbol ini juga terdapat di Australia dan Burma.

Simbol Tangan mendominasi mural di sebuah gua asli Australia, menunjukkan seberapa jauh penyebaran simbol tersebut. Terdapat juga simbol spiral di bagian atas atap. Simbol spiral ditemukan di hanya dua situs Perancis, yang mengejutkan para peneliti karena ternyata motif umum dalam budaya ini.

Meskipun langka di Perancis, fitur simbol spiral terdapat pula dalam seni batuan di seluruh dunia, termasuk China, Afrika, Eropa dan Amerika Selatan.

Lukisan-lukisan ini ditemukan di gua Lascaux II. Simbol berbentuk titik seperti yang jelas terlihat tapi begitu juga yang berbentuk segi empat (di sebelah kiri jangka titik). Simbol berbentuk segi empat ditemukan di 20 persen situs dan telah dihubungkan dengan situs di Afrika Selatan, India dan Selatan dan Amerika Utara.

Simbol-simbol ini ditemukan di gua-gua di Rio Pinturas, Argentina. Lingkaran terkonsentrasi di kiri bawah dianggap sebagai contoh-contoh awal dari synecdoche (menggunakan bagian dari sesuatu untuk mewakili keseluruhan), dan cara yang mewakili ide-ide simbolis daripada realistis. Lingkaran serupa di tempat lain telah digunakan untuk mewakili mata di lukisan kuda dan banteng.

Titik dan garis adalah beberapa simbol yang paling sering ditemukan. Titik-titik dalam berbagai ukuran muncul di 42 persen dari situs Perancis, termasuk yang satu ini di Chauvet. Garis-garis ditemukan di lebih dari 70 persen situs dan muncul dari 30.000 tahun yang lalu sampai 10.000 tahun yang lalu.

Bagaimana dengan di indonesia?

Ternyata tidak kalah banyak juga lukisan atau simbol-simbol yang ditemukan di Indonesia. Penemuan lukisan gua di Sulawesi Selatan untuk pertama kalianya dilakukan oleh C.H.M. Heeren-Palm pada tahun 1950 di Leang PattaE.

Di gua ini juga ditemukan cap-cap tangan dengan latar belakang cat merah. Barangkali ini merupakan cap tangan kiri perempuan. Ada pun cap-cap tangan tangan ini dibuat dengan cara merentangkan jari-jari tangan itu di dinding gua kemudian ditaburi dengan cat merah.

Di gua tersebut juga ditemukan lukisan seekor babi rusa yang sedang melompat dengan panah di bagian jantungnya. Barangkali lukisan semacam ini dimaksudkan sebagai suatu harapan agar mereka berhasil berburu di dalam hutan. Babi rusa tadi digambarkan dengan garis-garis horizontal bewarna merah

Lukisan Anoa pada dinding Gua Sumpangbita, Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan.

Di Maluku, penemu lukisan dinding gua adalah J. Roder pada tahun 1937, walaupun mungkin masyarakat sekitar sudah mengenal sebelum Roder menemukannya. Roder menemuan lukisan gua sebanyak 100 buah di Pulau Seram, pada dinding karang di atas Sungai Tala. Lukisan yang ditemukan berupa gambar-gambar rusa, burung, manusia, perahu, lambang matahari, dan mata.

Selain ditemukan di Pulau Seram, di Maluku lukisan cadas juga ditemukan di Kepulauan Kei, pada tebing batu karang dengan ketinggian 5-10 meter dari atas permukaan laut. Lukisan-lukisan yang ditemukan di Kepulauan Kei pada umumnya hanya berupa garis lurus saja, tetapi ada yang diberi warna pada bagian dalamnya, khususnya untuk gambar manusia.

Kecuali manusia dengan berbagai adegan (menari, berperang, memegang perisai, dan jongkok dengan kedua tangan terangkat), ada pula pola topeng, burung, perahu, matahari, dan bentuk geometrik.

Gaya lukisan yang ditemukan mirip dengan lukisan yang ditemukan di Pulau Seram, Papua Barat, dan Timor, bahkan lukisan di Australia bagian selatan.

Orang yang dianggap mencatat lukisan prasejarah pertama kali di Papua adalah Johannes Keyts (seorang pedagang) dalam perjalanan dari Banda ke pantai Nuw Guinea pada tahun 1678. Ia melewati sebuah tebing karang di tepi teluk Speelman yang dipenuhi oleh tengkorak, sebuah patung manusia, dan berbagai lukisan pada dinding gua tersebut dengan warna merah

Terdapat di gua dan ceruk di Sulawesi Tenggra terdapat di Mentanduro, La Kabori, Kolumbo, Toko, dan wa Bose, sedangkan ceruk-ceruknya adalah La Sabo, Tangga Ara, La Nasrofa, dan Ida Malangi. Semua peninggalan ini terdapat di sekitar kawasan perladangan Liabalano, Kampung Mabolu, Desa Bolo, Kecamatan Kotobu.

Seni cadas yang paling menarik adalah Gua Tamrin dan Gua Ham karena begitu banyak gambar di dalamnya. Gua Tamrin terletak di dekat sungai Marang, memiliki sejumlah lukisan penari bertopeng yang menutupi seluruh bagian kepalanya. Lukisan tersebut mirip dengan tarian adat yang masih berlangsung pada beberapa suku di Papua.

Sementara itu, di Gua Ham ditemukan pola cap seperti penari, tapir, rusa dan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Chazine berpendapat bahwa pola cap tangan yang di jumpai di dalam gua tersebut merupakan yang paling banyak di dunia.

Lukisan dan simbol-simbol yang terdapat di gua-gua tersebut adalah peninggalan sejarah yang sangat berharga. Sampai-sampai lukisan yang terdapat di gua Lascaux, dibuatkan replikanya sehingga yang asli tetap terjaga.


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tattoo On Ribs

  • tattoos on ribs. Tree tattoo

  • iGav
    Jan 22, 06:15 AM
    honestly the thing is looking like one of the weirdest frankstein cars ever made:
    the shape of the old BMW M Coupe (which i madly liked)
    the front looking botched together from a porsche, peugeot 407 and a nissan GT (which i all liked)
    the back like a honda having mated with a BMW Z4
    then 4 seats _and_ all wheel drive ?

    Actually, I am surprised you didn't make reference to the Jenson FF, that's what Ferrari actually copied. ;) :eek: :p

    I'll give you that...although the Sultan of Brunei's 456 "Venice" wagons managed to stay beautiful despite having four doors.

    It's difficult to make the 4 door format work for a sports car isn't it, when you think that every significant dimensional requirement is against them, physical size of the engine, location of the engine, low height, width etc, Porsche failed miserably, Aston certainly did a reasonable job with the Rapide, but even then I'd suggest that it looks overly elongated, lacks shape in the profile and with a design language that dates back to 1994, looks a little too familiar, to the point of it being bland.

  • quote tattoos on ribs for

  • Twinkie
    Feb 9, 02:51 PM
    Has anyone any experience of running Xara on Virtual PC ? If so, does it install and run ok, or is it like shovelling treacle?It runs. That's about all that can be said for it.

    If you're just doing really basic stuff, it isn't too bad. But once you get in to motion or lighting effects, it bogs down.

    I'd imagine it would depend a bit on your system... though, I can't say I've noticed a massive difference in VPC between my Powerbook 1.0 and my PowerMac DP 1.8.

  • rib tattoo ideas. rib tattoo

  • btbrossard
    Apr 21, 08:02 AM
    I couldn't find anything in iPhoto 11 to only import photos.

  • quote tattoos on ribs

  • smaffei
    Apr 27, 12:40 PM
    why are you bugging him about this crap All Things Digital?


  • Tattoos On Ribs For Girls,Sexy

  • kalsta
    May 2, 10:30 PM
    What's in it for me? Seriously, the owner of Macrumors makes $100K plus off this site (so much that he quit his job AS A DOCTOR.) Why should I give blood just to glorify the name of his website & make him richer?

    What's in it for me?

    I can't work out if humour was intended with this comment?

    You can give blood and not tell anyone about it. Neither you nor MacRumors will get the glory, but you will have that small warm and fuzzy feeling inside. :)

  • Tribal Tattoos On Ribs.

  • kalsta
    May 1, 07:39 AM
    Of course it's in his mind, it is his opinion after all.
    But there have been countless studies on how people are subconsciously influenced by almost everything they see. That's one of the reasons why marketing departments have work. And then we see different car models with different names for different countries.
    And I would say that .me isn't a very good choice. It just doesn't mean squat. Given that they must call it something, better use some word that will send a message or advertise the platform.

    Apple doesn't need to create brand awareness through an online service. They have more brand awareness than just about anyone already. What I feel they need to do is add more value to the products we're already purchasing.

    Making 'find my iPhone' free was a small step in the right direction. It's not all about promoting these features to new customers. Any smart business person knows that it's cheaper to keep your existing customers happy than to be chasing new ones. Apple should be doing everything they can to create a computing experience that is so good, you just can't bring yourself to walk away from it once you're using it. In the year that has to include things like easy and reliable syncing of data between devices and convenient online access to some of your data. I just don't know why it's taking Apple so long to realise this.

    I'm not dismissing the role of marketing names in guiding perceptions, but what's more important here is the overall value added to existing customers. An inadequate or overpriced service simply can't hide behind a catchy name. On the other hand, Apple could call it something really dull like 'Apple Online Services', and still blow people away with a great experience. I for one couldn't have cared less if Spotlight had been called Search, or Time Machine had been called Backup. They actually remind me a bit of the whole 'Sherlock' nonsense before OS X. I think Apple overestimates the value of these sub-brands for what most consumers likely see as basic services.

    As for the suitability of a '' email address for business, anyone who is serious about business will have their own domain name. I don't think the mere presence of the word 'me' in the MobileMe name reeks 'me generation' ugliness. To me it says something like 'personal online services that I can access from anywhere'. And that is essentially what it should be.


  • quotes for tattoos on ribs

  • Corey Grandy
    Dec 26, 09:50 PM
    Wow!where can I buy that "BINKS" shirt?:D

    Right here:

    If you're outside the U.S. though, the shipping and duties will cost a pretty penny. That one and the other one like it cost me almost $80 to get them to Nova Scotia, Canada when all was said and done.

  • megan fox tattoos what do they

  • JackT06
    Feb 21, 03:52 AM

    Does anyone know a way that i can make a gap in the border...

    I want to create a 3px gap in top and bottom of the Right Nav Left Border line..

    This is so that it won't touch the other borders.

    How do i do that in CSS?


  • tattoos for guys ribs. tattoos

  • liamkp
    Jun 18, 09:23 PM
    Never mind, i dont even know why i posted this.

  • rib tattoo

  • Frozonecold
    Jun 18, 01:31 PM
    This is 2 512mb sticks of Apple RAM, It will work in any Intel Mac.


  • ribs tattoo sexy women,

  • Elan0204
    Aug 30, 09:05 PM
    I think what he is referring to is this thread ( That's my best guess at least.

  • Hula girl tattoo on Ribs

  • beany boy
    Apr 8, 09:03 AM
    Hope they fix the slide to unlock bug on home screen.

    It gets stuck a lot ever since 4.3.1

    Also the pause button when playing podcasts or certain music not as responsive as it used to be.

    Unlock bug happens to me.


  • lebron james tattoo 616 rib

  • 666sheep
    Apr 4, 02:32 PM
    I wouldn't suspect the PSU as source of KPs. Never happened in my years of experience with Macs (about few hundreds of units I had in my hands). Ticking sound it's separate issue IMO. Firstly I'd remove all but 1 stick of RAM. If you have more than one, test all separately. HDD (or corrupted files on it) would be a second suspect.

  • girls tattoos on ribs

  • CS5679
    Feb 21, 09:41 AM
    ahahahah.........Oh goooooogle! :D


  • ribs tattoo. Skull on Ribs Tattoo; Skull on Ribs Tattoo. reallynotnick. Jul 20, 08:23 AM. Anyone else think this is getting out of hand?

  • Jason Beck
    Mar 31, 12:14 PM
    I'm guessing this is sarcasm.

    It is a toy. You can't seriously think that professionals are going to depend on Photoshop for iPad and throw away their computer can you? That's like throwing away your computer because GarageBand is also available on the iPad, and attempting to produce an album on an iPad. Impossible.

    No matter what Steve says, it is a toy! I think it is brilliant you can do these things on such a simple product for the average user, but they are nothing more than for... the average user.

    +1 I know I won't.

    If it had a fully functional lightroom.. thats another story.

  • Rib Tattoos for Men - Quote

  • iqwertyi
    Dec 28, 08:26 AM
    Lights for shelf (cross post Ikea)


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  • glocke12
    May 4, 05:16 PM
    Yep, that's what I think. He should have been interrogated, but not with "enhanced" methods.

    But don't you think there is a difference between your typical criminal/murderer, and someone like KSM who is a terrorist leader/organizer and has first hand knowledge of terrorist networks?

    Seriously, I somehow doubt that asking him nicely to tell us what he knows would have worked.

  • Tattoos For Guys Ribs Rib

  • phillipduran
    Nov 19, 02:03 PM
    I'm sure TJMax is rethinking how brilliant their idea is. But is it really illegal? What can Apple do?

    Apple shouldn't be able to do anything. TJ Max buys at retail and sells for $100 off at a loss. This so far has become the most cost effective advertising campaign for TJ Max EVER! Just look at it. Mac Rumors is talking about TJ Max. this will probably hit major news networks as well if it hasn't already.

  • Labels: girl tattoos on ribs

  • DeusInvictus7
    Dec 2, 01:02 AM
    haaylaviit!can you share a link please?thanks

    There you go :D

    Doctor Q
    May 5, 05:20 PM
    Sorry, but deals like this can be made only by qualified users in our Marketplace forum.

    Aug 12, 03:41 AM
    It's a modified version of this (

    I'd also love a link to the original wall :)

    Nov 29, 12:57 PM
    hey movie studios, if you made more great movies on the Calibre of spiderman, Cars, or Pirates of the carribean people would be willing not to steal in the first place. case in point, Cars DVD sold 6 million in one week. Crap like Battlefield Earth witch cost 100 million to make but only made 20 million in box office sales sucked on several levels

    you want to make money off your movies


    Nov 1, 02:49 PM
    This question is for those with new-ish (Intel) laptops who check the option to convert high bitrate files to 128-kbps AAC before copying to the Shuffle:

    Does it take long to convert the files? I have a 1GHz TiBook, and it is taking forever to get those files on there with the option checked...

    Feb 25, 08:24 PM
    friend is big tech guy. bought wife a MBP on 06/10. she got him a MBP 15"I7 for xmas on 12/10. he bought an ipad on 10/10. today he got a new imac for kitchen. and there are 3 more units floating around house. 1 in home recording studio. 1 in home theater room.

    Tattoo On Ribs

  • tattoos on ribs. Tree tattoo

  • iGav
    Jan 22, 06:15 AM
    honestly the thing is looking like one of the weirdest frankstein cars ever made:
    the shape of the old BMW M Coupe (which i madly liked)
    the front looking botched together from a porsche, peugeot 407 and a nissan GT (which i all liked)
    the back like a honda having mated with a BMW Z4
    then 4 seats _and_ all wheel drive ?

    Actually, I am surprised you didn't make reference to the Jenson FF, that's what Ferrari actually copied. ;) :eek: :p

    I'll give you that...although the Sultan of Brunei's 456 "Venice" wagons managed to stay beautiful despite having four doors.

    It's difficult to make the 4 door format work for a sports car isn't it, when you think that every significant dimensional requirement is against them, physical size of the engine, location of the engine, low height, width etc, Porsche failed miserably, Aston certainly did a reasonable job with the Rapide, but even then I'd suggest that it looks overly elongated, lacks shape in the profile and with a design language that dates back to 1994, looks a little too familiar, to the point of it being bland.

  • quote tattoos on ribs for

  • Twinkie
    Feb 9, 02:51 PM
    Has anyone any experience of running Xara on Virtual PC ? If so, does it install and run ok, or is it like shovelling treacle?It runs. That's about all that can be said for it.

    If you're just doing really basic stuff, it isn't too bad. But once you get in to motion or lighting effects, it bogs down.

    I'd imagine it would depend a bit on your system... though, I can't say I've noticed a massive difference in VPC between my Powerbook 1.0 and my PowerMac DP 1.8.

  • rib tattoo ideas. rib tattoo

  • btbrossard
    Apr 21, 08:02 AM
    I couldn't find anything in iPhoto 11 to only import photos.

  • quote tattoos on ribs

  • smaffei
    Apr 27, 12:40 PM
    why are you bugging him about this crap All Things Digital?


  • Tattoos On Ribs For Girls,Sexy

  • kalsta
    May 2, 10:30 PM
    What's in it for me? Seriously, the owner of Macrumors makes $100K plus off this site (so much that he quit his job AS A DOCTOR.) Why should I give blood just to glorify the name of his website & make him richer?

    What's in it for me?

    I can't work out if humour was intended with this comment?

    You can give blood and not tell anyone about it. Neither you nor MacRumors will get the glory, but you will have that small warm and fuzzy feeling inside. :)

  • Tribal Tattoos On Ribs.

  • kalsta
    May 1, 07:39 AM
    Of course it's in his mind, it is his opinion after all.
    But there have been countless studies on how people are subconsciously influenced by almost everything they see. That's one of the reasons why marketing departments have work. And then we see different car models with different names for different countries.
    And I would say that .me isn't a very good choice. It just doesn't mean squat. Given that they must call it something, better use some word that will send a message or advertise the platform.

    Apple doesn't need to create brand awareness through an online service. They have more brand awareness than just about anyone already. What I feel they need to do is add more value to the products we're already purchasing.

    Making 'find my iPhone' free was a small step in the right direction. It's not all about promoting these features to new customers. Any smart business person knows that it's cheaper to keep your existing customers happy than to be chasing new ones. Apple should be doing everything they can to create a computing experience that is so good, you just can't bring yourself to walk away from it once you're using it. In the year that has to include things like easy and reliable syncing of data between devices and convenient online access to some of your data. I just don't know why it's taking Apple so long to realise this.

    I'm not dismissing the role of marketing names in guiding perceptions, but what's more important here is the overall value added to existing customers. An inadequate or overpriced service simply can't hide behind a catchy name. On the other hand, Apple could call it something really dull like 'Apple Online Services', and still blow people away with a great experience. I for one couldn't have cared less if Spotlight had been called Search, or Time Machine had been called Backup. They actually remind me a bit of the whole 'Sherlock' nonsense before OS X. I think Apple overestimates the value of these sub-brands for what most consumers likely see as basic services.

    As for the suitability of a '' email address for business, anyone who is serious about business will have their own domain name. I don't think the mere presence of the word 'me' in the MobileMe name reeks 'me generation' ugliness. To me it says something like 'personal online services that I can access from anywhere'. And that is essentially what it should be.


  • quotes for tattoos on ribs

  • Corey Grandy
    Dec 26, 09:50 PM
    Wow!where can I buy that "BINKS" shirt?:D

    Right here:

    If you're outside the U.S. though, the shipping and duties will cost a pretty penny. That one and the other one like it cost me almost $80 to get them to Nova Scotia, Canada when all was said and done.

  • megan fox tattoos what do they

  • JackT06
    Feb 21, 03:52 AM

    Does anyone know a way that i can make a gap in the border...

    I want to create a 3px gap in top and bottom of the Right Nav Left Border line..

    This is so that it won't touch the other borders.

    How do i do that in CSS?


  • tattoos for guys ribs. tattoos

  • liamkp
    Jun 18, 09:23 PM
    Never mind, i dont even know why i posted this.

  • rib tattoo

  • Frozonecold
    Jun 18, 01:31 PM
    This is 2 512mb sticks of Apple RAM, It will work in any Intel Mac.


  • ribs tattoo sexy women,

  • Elan0204
    Aug 30, 09:05 PM
    I think what he is referring to is this thread ( That's my best guess at least.

  • Hula girl tattoo on Ribs

  • beany boy
    Apr 8, 09:03 AM
    Hope they fix the slide to unlock bug on home screen.

    It gets stuck a lot ever since 4.3.1

    Also the pause button when playing podcasts or certain music not as responsive as it used to be.

    Unlock bug happens to me.


  • lebron james tattoo 616 rib

  • 666sheep
    Apr 4, 02:32 PM
    I wouldn't suspect the PSU as source of KPs. Never happened in my years of experience with Macs (about few hundreds of units I had in my hands). Ticking sound it's separate issue IMO. Firstly I'd remove all but 1 stick of RAM. If you have more than one, test all separately. HDD (or corrupted files on it) would be a second suspect.

  • girls tattoos on ribs

  • CS5679
    Feb 21, 09:41 AM
    ahahahah.........Oh goooooogle! :D


  • ribs tattoo. Skull on Ribs Tattoo; Skull on Ribs Tattoo. reallynotnick. Jul 20, 08:23 AM. Anyone else think this is getting out of hand?

  • Jason Beck
    Mar 31, 12:14 PM
    I'm guessing this is sarcasm.

    It is a toy. You can't seriously think that professionals are going to depend on Photoshop for iPad and throw away their computer can you? That's like throwing away your computer because GarageBand is also available on the iPad, and attempting to produce an album on an iPad. Impossible.

    No matter what Steve says, it is a toy! I think it is brilliant you can do these things on such a simple product for the average user, but they are nothing more than for... the average user.

    +1 I know I won't.

    If it had a fully functional lightroom.. thats another story.

  • Rib Tattoos for Men - Quote

  • iqwertyi
    Dec 28, 08:26 AM
    Lights for shelf (cross post Ikea)


  • Rib Side Lettering

  • glocke12
    May 4, 05:16 PM
    Yep, that's what I think. He should have been interrogated, but not with "enhanced" methods.

    But don't you think there is a difference between your typical criminal/murderer, and someone like KSM who is a terrorist leader/organizer and has first hand knowledge of terrorist networks?

    Seriously, I somehow doubt that asking him nicely to tell us what he knows would have worked.

  • Tattoos For Guys Ribs Rib

  • phillipduran
    Nov 19, 02:03 PM
    I'm sure TJMax is rethinking how brilliant their idea is. But is it really illegal? What can Apple do?

    Apple shouldn't be able to do anything. TJ Max buys at retail and sells for $100 off at a loss. This so far has become the most cost effective advertising campaign for TJ Max EVER! Just look at it. Mac Rumors is talking about TJ Max. this will probably hit major news networks as well if it hasn't already.

  • Labels: girl tattoos on ribs

  • DeusInvictus7
    Dec 2, 01:02 AM
    haaylaviit!can you share a link please?thanks

    There you go :D

    Doctor Q
    May 5, 05:20 PM
    Sorry, but deals like this can be made only by qualified users in our Marketplace forum.

    Aug 12, 03:41 AM
    It's a modified version of this (

    I'd also love a link to the original wall :)

    Nov 29, 12:57 PM
    hey movie studios, if you made more great movies on the Calibre of spiderman, Cars, or Pirates of the carribean people would be willing not to steal in the first place. case in point, Cars DVD sold 6 million in one week. Crap like Battlefield Earth witch cost 100 million to make but only made 20 million in box office sales sucked on several levels

    you want to make money off your movies


    Nov 1, 02:49 PM
    This question is for those with new-ish (Intel) laptops who check the option to convert high bitrate files to 128-kbps AAC before copying to the Shuffle:

    Does it take long to convert the files? I have a 1GHz TiBook, and it is taking forever to get those files on there with the option checked...

    Feb 25, 08:24 PM
    friend is big tech guy. bought wife a MBP on 06/10. she got him a MBP 15"I7 for xmas on 12/10. he bought an ipad on 10/10. today he got a new imac for kitchen. and there are 3 more units floating around house. 1 in home recording studio. 1 in home theater room.