Monday, April 5, 2010

New Angel Wigns Tatto

Angel Wings History
Interestingly sufficiency the angels inform in the Western bible never had wings. If you read in the old or new testment the angels and seraphim where very such human like in every way. In fact they did not even have a pair of wings. However, they were ever the bearer ofimportant new from God. They often came down to earth to spread an important message. Often apperaing in dreams or during times of deep prayer to people and giving some form of important advice.

New Angel Wigns TattoIn modern art this traditional of angel wings has continued. You really can no longer encounter an angelic bieng without a unify of white feathery wings. It could be that early artists just wanted to show an angels special powers and have some way to represent an angel as looking different then humans. Of course the ideas that Haven is somehwere above us in the clouds or way up in the sky in some magical place must've lead early artists to the conclusion that angels had to have some form of installation between heaven and earth. This might have lead to the wide use of angel wings. Who knows how this really got all started but it is country today anyone with a unify of wings must be a special being from God.

New Angel Wigns Tatto Angel Wigns Tatto
New Angel Wigns Tatto Angel Wigns Tatto
New Angel Wigns Tatto Angel Wigns Tatto
New Angel Wigns Tatto Angel Wigns Tatto

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